Liposuction Recovery: Everything You Need to Know


Medically Reviewed April 2023, by Leonardo Fasano - Body Sculpting Specialist

Liposuction has become a safe and effective procedure that is increasing rapidly in popularity with advancements in technology yielding less invasive options. As is the case with any surgical procedure, if you are considering liposuction, it is important to be aware of what to expect in terms of recovery. This will allow you to make suitable arrangements prior to your procedure date to aid your liposuction recovery journey.

If you’re interested in liposuction and would like to understand more about the different options, the details of the procedure and whether you’re suitable, you will find all the information you need on The Harley Medical Group Blog.

vaser liposuction by dr leonardo fasano, liposuction recovery

What to expect after liposuction surgery?

The first part of the recovery process is the week following surgery. During this time period, you will need to rest and wear your compression garment as directed. Immediately after surgery, many patients experience mild to moderate discomfort as the local anaesthetic begins to wear off. This will vary according to the size and location of the treated area and whether or not a general anaesthetic was used. If required, an overnight hospital stay will allow your Nurses and Surgeon to monitor your condition and provide appropriate pain relief.

Liposuction Diet

Suppose you are either considering vaser liposuction or have surgery scheduled. In that case, you might wonder if there are any dietary changes you should make before or after surgery to boost recovery or prepare your body for the procedure. Patients frequently have questions about diet when it comes to liposuction, and the simple answer is that a special diet is not required but that a well-balanced diet built around healthy eating habits is recommended. In addition to this, there are some foods that can be incorporated to aid the recovery process that we will cover here. Click here to discover everything you need to know about Vaser Liposuction with Dr Leonardo Fasano.

healthy diet for surgery, liposuction recovery, liposuction diet

Pre-Liposuction diet

To maintain your results and have a smoother journey with liposuction recovery, it is essential to start preparation before surgery. If you do not already do so, you should adjust your diet to ensure a healthy balance of macronutrients. This should include increasing your intake of vegetables, fruit and low-fat protein sources and reducing the amount of sugar, saturated fat and simple carbohydrates in your diet. Doing this will reduce the likelihood of weight gain following surgery and help to preserve your results long after surgery.


  • Increase protein intake – helps to promote tissue repair and aids immune function.
  • Eat fresh vegetables and fruits – ensures a healthy intake of vitamins and minerals and helps keep you feeling fuller for longer.
  • Keep hydrated – drinking lots of water helps maintain healthy digestion and can help prolong satiety.


  • Don’t drink too much alcohol: try to reduce your alcohol intake before surgery to eliminate the harmful effects of alcohol on wound healing and recovery. You should avoid alcohol for two weeks before and after surgery.
  • Smoke: stopping smoking long before surgery is essential because smoking increases the likelihood of complications during surgery and can delay the healing process. You should avoid smoking for six weeks before surgery.
  • Drink too much caffeine: excess caffeine can cause stress on the body and impact wound healing.

Immediately after surgery: What to expect after liposuction surgery?

The first part of the recovery process is the week following surgery. During this time period, you will need to rest and wear your compression garment as directed. Immediately after surgery, many patients experience mild to moderate discomfort as the local anaesthetic begins to wear off. This will vary according to the size and location of the treated area and whether or not a general anaesthetic was used. If required, an overnight hospital stay will allow your Nurses and Surgeon to monitor your condition and provide appropriate pain relief.

Vaser Liposuction post-op diet

Following surgery, your mobility will likely be reduced during recovery, and you should account for this by adjusting your calorie intake. It is important not to overindulge after liposuction in order to maintain your renewed body shape and sense of confidence.

It would be best if you continued with a similar approach to your diet as before surgery. You should pay particular attention to your protein intake, ensuring that you eat plenty of lean meats, fish and leafy green vegetables. There is the option to take a multivitamin supplement if you are worried that your diet might not contain enough of the crucial vitamins for recovery.

Reducing your sodium intake can help to reduce swelling and inflammation in the body, especially postoperatively. You can do this by choosing not to add salt to meals, opting for low salt/sodium alternatives where available, and flavouring your dishes with herbs and spices instead.

How long should I stick to my post-operative diet plan?

Although liposuction can achieve impressive results and leave patients feeling transformed in terms of appearance and self-confidence, the surgery cannot change eating habits, activity levels or appetite. Therefore, patients need to make sustainable changes to their lifestyle that they can take forward long after the recovery process is complete.

If you would like to find out more about liposuction at The Harley Medical Group, you can visit our dedicated page here. You can also book a free, no-obligation consultation to explore which option would be best to achieve your desired results.

vaser liposuction by dr leonardo fasano, liposuction results, liposuction recovery, vaser liposuction

Liposuction recovery in the longer term

Once you have progressed through the first week of liposuction recovery, you will have attended your postoperative follow-up appointment and likely had any stitches removed. It is possible that you will be asked to continue wearing your compression garment throughout the initial months of recovery to maximise fluid drainage and optimise results.

Depending on the nature of your job, you will be able to return to work after 1-2 weeks of recovery, providing that no strenuous activity is involved. You should continue to avoid strenuous activity and exercise for 4-6 weeks following surgery to prevent trauma to the treated area or reopening of any incisions. However, light activity, including walking, is encouraged early on within the first week to avoid postoperative complications.

Liposuction recovery and wound healing time

Inflammation, or swelling, is an important and expected element of the recovery process. When the body’s tissues are disturbed during liposuction, the surrounding tissues mount a protective response to aid healing and repair. However, you’re probably wondering, ‘when does swelling go down after liposuction?’ Postoperative swelling is usually at its worst during the first week of recovery and will gradually resolve over subsequent months. It is important to recognise that it can take up to 6 months for swelling to subside entirely and for the final liposuction results to be appreciated.

Liposuction recovery: How long to wear a compression garment?

Compression garments are a crucial part of the liposuction recovery process that is often overlooked. By improving blood flow and oxygen delivery to healing tissue, and promoting venous and lymphatic drainage, compression garments help to reduce swelling, aid the healing process and minimise scarring. Compression also provides a helping hand to the skin as it adheres to the new contours of the underlying tissues.

These garments are essential during the initial 3 days following surgery and are strongly encouraged during the initial 4-6 weeks at least. Whilst this might sound daunting and unachievable with traditional compression garments, The Harley Medical Group collaborate with a leading provider of high-quality, handmade medical-grade garments to provide our patients with comfortable, well-fitting options. This allows our patients to incorporate compression into their aftercare in a way that feels less tedious and restrictive.

Find out more about liposuction recovery and see our patients' stories on our Instagram.

Posted April 26, 2022
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