Questions to Ask Your Rhinoplasty Surgeon During a Consultation


Medically Reviewed April 2023, by Mr Khan - Consultant Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

The decision to undergo rhinoplasty surgery is based on extensive research, a lengthy thought process and consideration of the pros and cons. The same is true when it comes to deciding which rhinoplasty surgeon to choose.

It is critical to find an appropriately qualified, trained and experienced surgeon who you can trust with your safety and wellbeing, and this can be a complex process.

There are several important factors that you should consider during your search:

  1. GMC Registration – All UK based doctors and surgeons must be registered with the GMC in order to obtain a licence to practice. You can verify the credentials of any UK surgeon by searching their name or GMC number on the GCM register.
  2. Does the surgeon specialise in performing rhinoplasty? Many reputable providers publish profiles of their Surgeons for patients to review. These include details of each Surgeon’s training, experience and patient reviews. You can access the profiles of all The Harley Medical Group experts here.
  3. It is essential to ensure that your chosen surgeon operates through a provider that is registered with the relevant regulatory body. Either the CQC in England or the HIW in Wales.


How to prepare for rhinoplasty consultation

Before attending your rhinoplasty consultation, you should prepare a list of questions for your chosen surgeon. This should include any worries or concerns you have relating to the procedure itself, the risks, outcomes and recovery. Below we have collated a list of questions you might like to include:

  1. Will you be the person performing the surgery?
  2. What experience do you have in rhinoplasty?
  3. What will the procedure involve?
  4. What are the potential complications or risks and how likely are they to occur?
  5. What results can I expect?
  6. What does the recovery process involve, how long will this be and how will I be supported during the aftercare process?
  7. Can I decide not to undergo the surgery at any time, even if I have previously given my consent?
  8. Can I view Before and After images from rhinoplasties you have performed?
  9. What is the revision rate and process?


Does rhinoplasty require general anaesthesia?

One thing in common between all types of surgical rhinoplasty is that anaesthesia is required. Anaesthesia helps to ensure that the procedure is pain-free and can be completed safely.

With rhinoplasty there are usually two anaesthetic options:

  • General anaesthesia - involves the use of anaesthetic agents to render a patient unconscious and unable to feel pain. A tube will be inserted into the windpipe to assist with breathing. A specialist Anaesthetist will be present throughout the surgery to monitor the patient.
  • Local anaesthesia and sedation – involves administration of a local anaesthetic agent to prevent pain sensations, alongside a combination of medicines to make the patient feel relaxed.

Click here to read more about the different rhinoplasty techniques.


How long does it take to recover from rhinoplasty?

The rhinoplasty recovery process requires patience. Your body must be provided with the time it needs to repair and recuperate following a procedure as complex as nose reshaping.

Although the entire recovery process can take up to a year to complete, patients often return to work as early as 2 weeks after surgery and resume normal levels of activity (excluding strenuous exercise) by the end of the 3rd week.


Does open rhinoplasty leave scars?

Although open rhinoplasty involves making an incision on the external visible portion of the nose and scarring is possible, with expert-led surgery and postoperative care these incisions often heal well. Any scarring from open rhinoplasty would not be easily noticeable since it would be located on the underside of the nose.


How long does a non-surgical rhinoplasty last?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty utilises injectable dermal fillers to alter the contours of the nose. These products will be metabolised by the body over time and the results are therefore temporary, lasting for 6-18 months depending on the filler product used.

Click here to book your free virtual consultation.

Posted May 6, 2022
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