Everything you need to know about a Deviated Septum


Medically Reviewed April 2023, by Premjit Randhawa - Consultant Aesthetic Rhinoplasty Surgeon

What is a deviated septum?

The nasal septum is essential in providing the nose with structure and enabling effective passage of warmed and humidified air through the nose. The septum can become deviated in several ways including C and S-shaped deviation, septal outpouching and septal perforation. When this happens it can cause obstruction and interference with the flow of air through the nose, leading to a sensation of blockage in the nose, difficulty sleeping, pain and recurrent nose bleeds.

If you are unsure about whether you are experiencing septal deviation and are wondering how to tell if you have a deviated septum, there are a number of signs and symptoms that are linked to the problem. Alongside the symptoms mentioned earlier, you might have been told that your breathing is noisy during sleep, you might have an unusual awareness of your breathing or a preference for sleeping on one side.

rhinoplasty nose reshaping, deviated septum

How to fix a deviated septum?

Deviated septum can be corrected using specialist deviated septum surgery, or Septoplasty, which can often be combined with nose reshaping in a Septorhinoplasty operation. In Septoplasty, incisions are made in the internal lining of the nose to expose the underlying cartilage and bone. Any corrections that need to be made to the shape of the septum can then be completed.

The operation is one of the most commonly performed facial plastic surgery procedures and is usually completed under general anaesthetic. The procedure is relatively short and commonly takes between an hour and 90 minutes. Similarly to Rhinoplasty, following Septoplasty, the surgeon may place packing inside the nostrils and use splints to maintain the shape of the septum.

A question that is commonly asked by patients is ‘Can I get a nose job with a deviated septum?’. The answer to this question varies depending on the individual and the extent of any breathing difficulty. Your expert surgeon will need to determine whether improving cosmesis with Rhinoplasty could further compromise breathing to an unacceptable level. In cases such as this, it may be necessary to repair the nasal septum alongside Rhinoplasty. So, in short, it is absolutely possible to have a nose job with a deviated septum, but septal correction may be required in tandem.

Benefits of deviated septum surgery

The main advantage of undergoing septum correction surgery is to improve your ability to breathe and eradicate the symptoms associated with septal deviation. Whether it be headaches and sinus pain, or nose bleeds and breathing difficulty that affect your quality of life, Septoplasty with The Harley Medical Group may provide the optimum solution.


When is the right time? Will a deviated septum get worse?

If you struggle with your breathing and are becoming concerned about how your life is being affected, it is important to understand the cause. There are many potential explanations, but an issue with your septum is something that can be resolved.

If you have been diagnosed with a deviated septum, this will not repair of its own accord and should not be left alone. Crucially, it is possible for deviated septa to worsen with time as the nasal structures change throughout life.

The expert team here at The Harley Medical Group are available to explore your options for septum correction surgery, understand your concerns and create a treatment plan that suits you and your goals. Book a consultation with one of our experienced Patient Advisors to make your breathing difficulties a thing of the past.

More about Mr Premjit Randhawa:

Mr Randhawa is a Consultant ENT and Facial Plastic Surgeon at the Royal National Throat Nose and Ear hospital in London, and his main area of expertise is rhinoplasty surgeries. He is a member of the Facial Reanimation and Craniofacial Services at University College London Hospital, which offers treatment to patients with facial nerve problems and facial deformity. He has countless successful patient stories, positive reviews and amazing results.

Read more about rhinoplasty surgery with The Harley Medical Group:

The difference between Surgical and Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Posted June 29, 2022
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