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Image of a person drawing surgical lines on a patient indicating where incisions will be made during surgery

in Brentwood

in Brentwood

Image of a person drawing surgical lines on a patient indicating where incisions will be made during surgery

in Brentwood

• Award-winning doctors and surgeons
• Thousands of happy patients
• Advanced body sculpting techniques

• Award-winning doctors and surgeons
• Thousands of happy patients
• Advanced body sculpting techniques

Image of a person drawing surgical lines on a patient indicating where incisions will be made during surgery

Brentwood liposuction overview

Medically Reviewed May 2023, by Mr Sankar - Chief Medical Officer for The Harley Medical Group

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that aims to remove excess fat deposits from specific areas of the body. It is commonly sought after by individuals who desire a more sculpted and contoured figure.

Liposuction can effectively eliminate stubborn fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. However, it is important to note that liposuction is not a weightloss solution but rather a means to reshape the body.

The procedure can be performed using various techniques depending on the patient's needs and the surgeon's expertise. Proper consultation with a qualified professional is essential to determine whether liposuction is the right option and to understand the associated risks and recovery process.

The care of the team has been excellent throughout my journey with HMG. Everyone who I came into contact with was great & I am very pleased with how my experience & surgery was handled.

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Is liposuction right for me?

If you're dissatisfied with your appearance despite following a diet and exercise routine, liposuction can provide the solution you're seeking. It offers several common benefits, including the reduction of unwanted body fat, an increase in self-confidence, the ability to wear clothes that were previously challenging, and an improved overall body shape.

At The Harley Medical Group, we prioritise ensuring that our patients receive the most suitable procedure for their needs, which is why we offer both traditional liposuction and vaser liposuction.

Our dedicated team will conduct a thorough assessment, including BMI analysis, during a free consultation to determine the optimal approach for you.

The procedure for liposuction in Brentwood

During the procedure, a skilled plastic surgeon uses a suction technique to extract fat cells from targeted areas such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, or arms. Liposuction can be performed on various areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, inner and outer thighs, buttocks, knees, and chin.

The process involves breaking up the fat cells in the targeted area, followed by a small incision through which a thin plastic tube, known as a cannula, is inserted. The cannula is connected to a powerful vacuum device, which efficiently removes the fat. The duration of the procedure typically ranges from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the size and number of areas being targeted.

Brentwood liposuction recovery & aftercare

As liposuction is an invasive surgical procedure, it requires a proper recovery period. Following aftercare advice is crucial to facilitate healing and achieve the desired outcomes.

After your liposuction procedure, you will be provided with a support corset or compression bandages. These garments are essential in reducing post-surgery swelling and bruising, and it is important to wear them consistently for up to three weeks following the operation.

Recovery duration varies from person to person, and the time it takes to resume driving and return to work depends on the number of areas treated and the amount of fat removed.

Engaging in strenuous activities and contact sports should be avoided for approximately 4-6 weeks after the procedure. After this period, you will likely be able to gradually resume your normal activities.

It is common to experience bruising, swelling, and some numbness in the treated areas. Visible results typically become apparent around 6 months after the surgery, once the swelling has subsided.

To maintain permanent results, it is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle post-surgery. Although liposuction can remove excess fat, weight gain can still occur. Therefore, it is important to adhere to a healthy diet and exercise routine to sustain the desired outcomes.

Liposuction Surgery Cost

Liposuction costs vary depending on requirements. Fees at The Harley Medical Group include:

  • your surgeon consultation appointment
  • pre-operative assessment
  • your procedure
  • hospital stay and aftercare.

There are no hidden costs.

At The Harley Medical Group, we have a number of payment plans available to suit individual budgets, including a 0% finance loan paid over 12 months.

View Liposuction Guide Prices

Choosing a surgeon

Choosing a consultant for your medical procedure may initially seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. There are key factors to keep in mind when making this important decision:

  • Evaluate their credentials and experience.
  • Read reviews from both experts and previous patients.
  • Take into account their reputation within the field.
  • Request additional information, such as viewing before-and-after photos of previous patients, and inquire about the consultant's specific expertise and patient outcomes.

At The Harley Medical Group, we prioritise our patients' wellbeing and collaborate with esteemed plastic surgeons who excel in their field. We ensure that our patients receive exceptional treatment and care, upholding the highest standards in the industry.

At The Harley Medical Group, we work in close partnership with world-class Plastic Surgeons, to ensure our patients receive the highest standards of treatment and care.


Meet the experts in Brentwood

The Harley Medical Group is committed to providing patients with exceptional care and treatment, which is why we only collaborate with the most qualified and experienced plastic surgeons. Our consultants are all registered with the UK General Medical Council (GMC) and hold substantive positions within the NHS, in addition to undergoing a rigorous application process to obtain practicing privileges.

Our Medical Advisory Committee, led by Chief Medical Officer Mr. T K Sankar, must grant approval for all consultants. Our Cosmetic Surgery Consultants are members of appropriate organisations such as the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), and all consultants must have sufficient indemnity cover and agree to abide by our policies and procedures.

Consultant Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon


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Frequently Asked Questions - liposuction Brentwood

Liposuction surgery is a cosmetic procedure to remove small areas of unwanted body fat. Lipo is performed on areas of the body that are prone to fat deposit build-up such as the stomach, thighs, hips and arms.

'How is Liposuction done'? Is a common, and understandable question. Liposuction is performed either under general anaesthetic or under local anaesthetic with sedation. A small incision in the area being treated will be made by your surgeon, a thin plastic tube called a cannula is then inserted. The cannula is attached to a powerful vacuum device which removes the fat quickly and efficiently.

Your surgeon will take you through the process step-by-step during your free consultation.

Liposuction is generally performed on any part of the body that is prone to fatty deposits. The post popular body areas for Liposuction are:

Thighs (inner and outer) - the most common area of the thigh to have Liposuction is on the inner thigh to address the complaint of the inner thighs rubbing together. We often recommend considering having Liposuction to the inner knee for symmetrical reasons. Liposuction to the outer thigh is often performed along with treatment to the hips and flanks.

Calves - Liposuction to the calves is generally performed on the inner calves around the knee area. Calves are a notoriously difficult area to treat as much of the bulk is caused by muscle rather than fat. Also, Liposuction around the calves can change the profile of the entire lower leg. yet subtle Lipo-sculpting can create a curve from the calf to the ankle creating a tapering effect.

Flanks (also known as ‘love handles’) - this is the area found on the lower back above the buttocks. Liposuction for love handles is a very common treatment area for both men and women as there are very few exercises that work this area, which would enable you to burn the excess fat deposits. Hips and flanks are often treated together.

Hips - the hips are a difficult place to target with exercise alone. Liposuction to the hips has become increasingly popular following the growing trend for an hourglass figure. For many Liposuction removes small pockets of stubborn fat creating a more streamlined silhouette.

Face, neck and chin - Liposuction to the face and neck removes excess fat deposits to create a more rejuvenated appearance, which results in a subtle and natural full face lift with fewer scars. We often recommend pairing face and neck Liposuction with facial skin tightening treatments and Skin Peels to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Arms (also known as bingo wings) - arms are one of the most visible parts of the body, which is why Liposuction on the arms is a popular procedure to help reduce the appearance of loose, aged skin and remove any excess fat. When Liposuction to the upper arm area is combined with skin tightening the results can give you an overall thinner and more youthful appearance.

Stomach - even with exercising it can be difficult to get a flat stomach, particularly following pregnancy, which is why Liposuction to the stomach and waist is one of our most popular areas for Liposuction surgery. Depending on the type of Lipo undertaken, the results can vary from a giving you a flattened stomach to an intricately sculpted and defined look.

Some areas of the body are only treated with Vaser Liposuction or Promax Laser Liposuction due to the size of the area or level of definition required.

Significant fat loss will be noticeable immediately following a Liposuction procedure, and these results will continue to improve as the swelling goes down.

There will be considerable swelling, which is managed with a specially designed compression garment, for the first week or two following the procedure, as the swelling subsides more dramatic results will be discernable.

There is then gradual improvement until final results are evident, approximately three or four months after surgery.

We are often asked is Liposuction surgery good for weight loss and how much weight is lost with it? At The Harley Medical Group we think it is very important to understand that Lipo surgery is not a weight loss tool. Liposuction should only be used to treat resistant areas of fat that healthy eating and exercise alone cannot remove.

The follow-up question is often how much fat can be removed? This depends entirely which part of the body is being treated and how much fat there is to be removed. Please be assured that your surgeon will remove enough fat to get the ideal results.

During Liposuction surgery, fat cells are permanently removed from the treated area to create a new body shape. Once the excess fat cells have been removed, they do not grow back. This means that the results are more or less permanent if a healthy lifestyle, including a good diet and exercise is maintained.

If a moderate amount of weight is gained following Liposuction then the figure will simply be a larger version of the new body shape. However, there is evidence that if there is a more significant increase in weight after fat removal the body will redistribute any excess fats between the remaining cells. For example, if Lipo surgery was performed on the stomach and there was considerable subsequent weight gain, the stomach would remain relatively flat but fat cells in the thighs and flanks may increase to compensate.

All surgical procedures carry some degree of risk and Liposuction is no exception. Generally, when the treatment is performed by a specialist cosmetic surgeon classically trained in Liposuction and Lipo-sculpture and is performed within a fully equipped hospital, Fat Removal surgery is widely regarded as a safe, low risk operation.

If the surgeon is not specially trained there is an increased risk that an internal organ is punctured by the cannula causing post-operative complications.

Long-term risks are related to weight gain. Following the removal of fat cells, an increase in weight can cause your body to store the new fat in a different location, this new fat can grow deep inside your body and around your organs, such as your heart or liver.

No, we are unable to offer any surgery while you are pregnant or breast feeding. However, please contact us 6 months after giving birth or after breast feeding and talk to our friendly advisors to discuss next steps.

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