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Image of woman before and after rhinoplasty surgery, smiling at the version of herself before surgery

(Nose Surgery)
in Brentwood

(Nose Surgery)
in Brentwood

Image of woman before and after rhinoplasty surgery, smiling at the version of herself before surgery

(Nose Surgery)
in Brentwood

• Thousands of happy patients
• Cosmetic and functional surgery options
• Specialist rhinoplasty surgeons

• Thousands of happy patients
• Cosmetic and functional surgery options
• Specialist rhinoplasty surgeons

Image of woman before and after rhinoplasty surgery, smiling at the version of herself before surgery

Brentwood rhinoplasty overview

Medically Reviewed April 2023, by Mr Khan- Consultant Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon for The Harley Medical Group. Next review due April 2024.

Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a 'nose job' or nose reshaping surgery, is a highly sought-after cosmetic surgery procedure in the UK. It is a surgical procedure that can alter the length or width of the nose, reshape the tip, bridge, and nostrils, change the angle between the nose and upper lip, and straighten the nose. Whether you were born with a nose you're unhappy with, have had a nose injury, or suffer from breathing problems, rhinoplasty aims to help you achieve a pleasing and natural-looking nose that is in harmony with your facial features, while also improving its function if necessary.

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Rhinoplasty before and after photos

When researching cosmetic surgery procedures, we know that our patients want to understand everything, from the surgical process through to recovery time, but most importantly the results they can expect. This is why we have compiled some before and after photos to help you with your decision. This content is just a sample of our expert's work. Our medical experts in your local clinic will be able to show you more at your free no obligation consultation.

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Is a nose job right for me?

There are numerous reasons why individuals choose to undergo rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping surgery. This procedure offers many benefits such as achieving a desired nose appearance, improving breathing, and enhancing emotional wellbeing.

If you are experiencing any of the following concerns, a nose job might be the solution for you: reducing the size or length of the nose, removing a bump or hump on the bridge of the nose, straightening a crooked nose, adjusting nostril size and shape, addressing nose asymmetry, reshaping the tip of the nose, improving overall facial aesthetics, alleviating breathing difficulties or sleep apnea symptoms, increasing self-confidence, and eliminating self-consciousness.

If you are considering rhinoplasty, booking a free consultation with an expert team can help determine the most suitable options for your needs.

The procedure for rhinoplasty in Brentwood

During your consultation at The Harley Medical Group, our expert surgeons will advise you on the best type of rhinoplasty surgery for you based on your desired results and your individual characteristics, such as the size of your nose, skin condition, and age.

We offer the following types of rhinoplasty surgeries:

  • Open Rhinoplasty: In this procedure, a cut is made across the skin between your nostrils, and the skin is lifted back from your nose to give your surgeon easy access, good visibility, and increased precision to sculpt your entire nose structure. Open rhinoplasty takes longer than closed rhinoplasty, with a slightly longer recovery time and a fine scar that fades gradually.
  • Closed Rhinoplasty: This is a less invasive method of rhinoplasty, involving tiny cuts made inside your nostrils through which access is gained to the areas that need reshaping. Closed rhinoplasty is generally used for minor corrections and reshaping. It offers minimal, mostly internal scarring, and takes less time to heal compared to open rhinoplasty, but it does not provide the same level of precision.
  • Septorhinoplasty: This procedure is done to straighten the nose, correct a deviated septum, and improve airflow while enhancing the overall appearance of your nose. Incisions are made in the internal lining of your nose to access the cartilage and bone and make any necessary corrections to the shape of your septum.
  • Rhinoplasty Tip: In this procedure, cartilage is removed to reduce the size of the tip of your nose without any visible scarring.
  • Nostril Alteration: Tiny incisions are made to alter the size or shape of your nostrils with minimal scarring hidden in the nostril crease.

Brentwood rhinoplasty recovery & aftercare

After your nose surgery procedure, a splint will be placed over the bridge of your nose for 7 to 10 days, it is removed at your follow-up appointment together with further advice and care to aid your recovery.

Recovery varies from person to person, but we usually recommend taking at least ten days off work after nose surgery and avoiding sports of any kind for the first three months.

You are likely to have bruising and swelling around your nose and eyes. To help reduce this you should:

  • Avoid blowing your nose for at least two weeks after your nose surgery
  • Avoid heavy lifting or bending down
  • Avoid exertive exercise and sports
  • Have warm baths rather than showers whilst bandages and the splint are in place
  • Avoid expressive facial expressions as they may strain the nose area
  • Avoid dusty and smoky places or any other things that may trigger sneezing and breathing difficulties
  • Brush teeth gently and move upper lip as little as possible.
  • If any of the above is a concern for you then nose surgery might be something to consider. Booking a free consultation with our expert team will allow you to discuss the most suitable rhinoplasty options for you.

Rhinoplasty cost

Rhinoplasty costs vary depending on requirements. Fees at The Harley Medical Group include:

  • your surgeon consultation appointment
  • pre-operative assessment
  • your procedure
  • hospital stay and aftercare.

There are no hidden costs.

At The Harley Medical Group, we have a number of payment plans available to suit individual budgets, including a 0% finance loan paid over 12 months.

View Rhinoplasty Guide Prices

Choosing a surgeon

Selecting a Consultant for your medical procedure may feel like a challenging task, but it doesn't have to be. There are several factors to consider when making your decision:

  • Review their credentials and experience
  • Read expert and patient reviews
  • Consider their reputation
  • Ask for more details, such as viewing previous patients' before-and-after photos, and inquire about the Consultant's expertise and patient outcomes.

At The Harley Medical Group, we collaborate with leading Plastic Surgeons to ensure that our patients receive exceptional treatment and care that meets the highest standards.


Meet the experts in Brentwood

At The Harley Medical Group, our unwavering commitment is to deliver the utmost quality of care to our patients. This begins with our exceptional team of plastic surgeons who possess extensive qualifications and experience. We uphold a stringent selection process, ensuring that we collaborate only with professionals registered with the UK General Medical Council (GMC), holding substantive positions within the NHS, and maintaining memberships with esteemed organizations like the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS).

Prior to joining our esteemed team, each surgeon undergoes a rigorous application process and obtains approval from our Medical Advisory Committee, led by Chief Medical Officer Mr. T K Sankar. Additionally, our consultants maintain sufficient indemnity cover and adhere to our comprehensive policies and procedures.

Consultant Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon


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Frequently Asked Questions - rhinoplasty Brentwood

People choose rhinoplasty for many reasons. These include to:

  • Increase your self-esteem and confidence
  • Change the size, shape or position of your nose to achieve the overall look and profile you’ve always dreamed of
  • Correct breathing difficulties caused by the size, shape or position of your nose.

If you’re unhappy with the size, shape or position of your nose then nose reshaping surgery, technically known as rhinoplasty, could be the right option for you.

Nose surgery is suitable for most people, but everybody is different. The first step is always a free consultation with a member of our qualified team.

In most cases, we can. Many of our patients come to us following an injury to their nose which is causing breathing difficulties, or because the natural shape or position of their nose is causing problems.

Your dedicated Cosmetic Surgeon will talk to you in detail about your symptoms, examine your nose and give you advice on the best way forward.

Most people are suitable for a rhinoplasty procedure. However, if you have unrealistic expectations of how you’d like your nose to look, your Cosmetic Surgeon will advise you on what’s realistic before agreeing to the procedure. Your Surgeon will also discuss your lifestyle and medical history to ensure there i’s nothing that could prevent you from being suitable for surgery.

Open rhinoplasty involves your Cosmetic Surgeon making a small incision in the columella (the skin that covers the part of your nose that separates the nostrils), external incision allows the Surgeon to lift the skin and precisely alter the size and shape of the cartilage underneath.

‘Closed’ rhinoplasty is a surgery that is performed via small incisions entirely inside your nose.

As an ethical cosmetic surgery provider, The Harley Medical Group does not perform cosmetic surgery on people under 18.

Cosmetic surgery is not usually recommended for patients who are not fully grown, as the face and body can change dramatically during adolescence.

We do not set an upper age limit for nose reshaping surgery. However, as with all patients, we assess your medical history and current health to make an informed decision on whether or not to perform the procedure.

Most rhinoplasty incisions are made inside the nose and are often well-concealed. In open rhinoplasty, a ‘chevron’, ‘W’ or ‘staircase’ shaped scar will be present on the skin connecting your nostrils that will fade with time.

All patients respond differently to treatment and recovery times differ.

As a general guide, we recommend you go back to work when we remove the splint which is usually 7 to 10 days after your operation. At this stage, you will still have some bruising and swelling around your nose and eyes so you may want to take more time off. It’s good to discuss this with your surgeon beforehand.

Experienced and audited

We have over 35 years of delivering the highest quality cosmetic surgery. Our clinics are regularly audited by the independent regulator Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Focused on patient well-being

Our specialist team is passionately dedicated to enhancing people’s lives and offers a professional, ethical and safe cosmetic service and a 24-hour nurse helpline every day.

World-class plastic surgeons

All of our surgeons are qualified and GMC-registered plastic surgeons who are experts in their field. Most hold NHS posts and memberships with associations such as the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS).

Convenient and affordable

Accessible appointments at a time to suit you. Visit one of our 9 clinics across the UK or choose to consult virtually. Competitively priced surgery and payment options including 0% finance.

First class rhinoplasty

Perform 5 types of rhinoplasties to meet your cosmetic and functional needs.
Experienced in precision open rhinoplasty.
Focus on you, your goals, your results, and your entire experience.
Performed almost 300 rhinoplasty surgeries last year, across open and closed rhinoplasty and septorhinoplasty (July 2021-22).

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