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Image of patient holding up their shirt, revealing lines on the stomach indicating where the doctor will make incisions during surgery

(Tummy Tuck)
in Brentwood

(Tummy Tuck)
in Brentwood

Image of patient holding up their shirt, revealing lines on the stomach indicating where the doctor will make incisions during surgery

(Tummy Tuck)
in Brentwood

• Thousands of happy patients
Full or mini surgery options
• Additional weightloss support available

• Thousands of happy patients
Full or mini surgery options
• Additional weightloss support available

Image of patient holding up their shirt, revealing lines on the stomach indicating where the doctor will make incisions during surgery

Brentwood tummy tuck overview

Medically Reviewed May 2023, by Mr Sankar - Chief Medical Officer for The Harley Medical Group. Next review due May 2024.

An Abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a Tummy Tuck, is a sought-after surgery for individuals who have excess skin on their abdomen. Our skin stretches as we gain weight, whether due to puberty, pregnancy, or lifestyle choices. Rapid weight gain may result in stretch marks, and sudden weight loss may lead to loose skin. While some individuals may experience skin retraction, most people are left with loose skin on their stomach, as well as on other areas such as the thighs and arms.

The care of the team has been excellent throughout my journey with HMG. Everyone who I came into contact with was great & I am very pleased with how my experience & surgery was handled.

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Tummy Tuck

Is an abdominoplasty right for me?

Struggling with self-consciousness about your body can severely impact your self-confidence and hinder your ability to wear the clothes you desire. When diet and exercise are not enough to achieve a firm and toned abdomen, Tummy Tuck surgery can offer a solution that can transform the way you feel about yourself.

The procedure for tummy tuck in Brentwood

A partial Tummy Tuck, also known as a Mini Tummy Tuck, is a surgical procedure that specifically targets the area below the belly button and above the bikini line. This procedure is ideal for those who have excess skin in that area, which may be a result of pregnancy or slight weightloss, and cannot be improved through exercise or healthy eating. The procedure, which is typically performed under general anaesthetic and lasts for one to two hours, involves the removal of any excess skin, tightening of the muscles, and stitching the remaining skin back into place. Although a small scar will be present along the bikini line, it will gradually fade over time.

On the other hand, a Full Abdominoplasty is a more extensive surgery that addresses both areas above the belly button and below towards the bikini line. This procedure involves the removal of excess saggy skin and fat in the abdominal area, as well as the tightening of the muscles. In some cases, stretch marks may also be removed. The surgery is performed by making an incision across the base of the stomach, from hip to hip, and repairing, repositioning, and tightening the damaged, stretched abdominal muscles with internal stitches. After removing any excess saggy skin, muscle, and fat, the remaining skin is pulled into position and stitched back into place.

Brentwood tummy tuck recovery & aftercare

To ensure a smooth and successful Tummy Tuck surgery, your surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions on how to prepare for the procedure. It is recommended that you quit smoking at least six weeks prior to the operation to reduce the risk of chest infections that can slow down your recovery. Additionally, you may be advised to lose excess weight to reach as close to your ideal weight as possible before the surgery.

Our top priority is your full and speedy recovery, and you will be attended to by fully trained medical professionals after your surgery to ensure that your recovery and aftercare is smooth. After the procedure, you will likely stay in the hospital overnight for observation, and you will be provided with printed instructions and a 24-hour phone number to call if you have any questions or concerns. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled, and it is crucial that you attend them to receive ongoing care from your medical team.

Tummy tuck cost

Tummy tuck costs vary depending on requirements. Fees at The Harley Medical Group include:

  • your surgeon consultation appointment
  • pre-operative assessment
  • your procedure
  • hospital stay and aftercare.

At The Harley Medical Group, we offer various payment plans to accommodate different budgets, including a 0% finance option with a 12-month payment period.

View Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Guide Prices

Choosing a surgeon

Selecting a plastic surgery consultant might feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be if you approach it in an informed manner. To make a wise decision, it is important to consider the consultant's qualifications, experience, reputation, and read reviews from both experts and patients. You should also ask for more information about their past experiences and patient outcomes, and review before-and-after photographs of previous patients.

At The Harley Medical Group, we partner with top-notch plastic surgeons who are registered with the UK General Medical Council and have a wealth of surgical expertise. Our consultants hold senior positions in the NHS and have to go through a rigorous vetting process before being granted the privilege of practicing at our facilities. They are also required to be members of relevant professional organisations and abide by our policies and procedures.

Meet the experts in Brentwood

At The Harley Medical Group, we take pride in having a team of highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeons. Our selection process for surgeons is rigorous, and we only work with those who are registered with the UK General Medical Council (GMC), hold substantive posts within the NHS, and are members of appropriate organisations such as the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS). In addition, our surgeons undergo a thorough application process and must receive approval from our Medical Advisory Committee, led by our Chief Medical Officer, Mr. T K Sankar. They must also have sufficient indemnity cover and comply with our policies and procedures.

Consultant Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon


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Frequently Asked Questions - tummy tuck Brentwood

As an ethical Cosmetic Surgery provider, we do not perform Cosmetic Surgery on people under 18. We do not set an upper age limit for Tummy Tuck surgery. However, the older we get the longer it takes our bodies to recover, so your Cosmetic Surgeon will assess your current physical health and medical history to ensure you’re fit and well enough to undergo surgery.

The results of Tummy Tuck surgery will last for many years if you maintain a healthy weight.

However, it is important to be aware that our bodies change as we get older, so you may find that your skin loses some of its elasticity. If your weight fluctuates this may be exacerbated.

Because our bodies change dramatically during pregnancy, if you plan to have a family we recommend waiting to have Tummy Tuck surgery. However, this is not a medical requirement and is something you should discuss with your Cosmetic Surgeon.

No, we are unable to offer any surgery while you are pregnant or breast feeding. However, please contact us 6 months after giving birth or after breast feeding and talk to our friendly advisors to discuss next steps.

Yes. Tummy Tuck surgery is not a recommended weight loss method as it primarily tightens loose skin on the stomach. If you have the surgery then lose a significant amount of weight, you may find that you need to have another Tummy Tuck to remove further loose skin.

In some cases it can but we can’t guarantee this. Because the surgery involves pulling the skin taut and removing any excess, for some people the appearance of stretch marks can be reduced.

Full recovery from Tummy Tuck surgery usually takes between six and eight weeks during this time you are required to wear a light support garment. Some bruising and swelling is expected post surgery. It’s important that you attend your post-operative follow up appointments. You will need to take up to two weeks off work following Tummy Tuck surgery. It’s likely you will need help with daily chores during the first week to avoid putting unnecessary strain on the lower abdominal area. In the first six weeks you should avoid any strenuous activities.

With a Full Tummy Tuck, the incision will be made as low on the abdomen as possible so any scar will sit below your hip line and be hidden by your underwear or bikini bottoms. An extensive tummy tuck may also require a scar from navel to breast bone.

With a Mini Tummy Tuck the incision will be made as lower on the abdomen, closer to the bikini line, and will be smaller - only slightly larger than a C-Section scar.

Your scar will be visible in the first few weeks but should fade quickly until it’s barely noticeable. If you’re worried about scarring, please talk to your Cosmetic Surgeon and read about our highly effective scar revision treatment.

The risks with Tummy Tuck surgery are the same as with any surgical procedure performed under a general anaesthetic. However, your Cosmetic Surgeon will talk you through these before you make any decisions.

You don’t need to take any long-term precautions, however you will need to avoid any strenuous exercise in the first six to eight weeks.

It is important that your Cosmetic Surgeon is fully qualified and experienced. To ensure your Cosmetic Surgeon is reputable, check the clinic is registered with The Care Quality Commission (CQC) or The Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW). You should also look for Cosmetic Surgeons who are registered with The General Medical Council (GMC) and ask if they are carrying out Cosmetic Surgery procedures on a daily basis.

At The Harley Medical Group we highly recommend researching all of your options when considering surgery to ensure you are happy with your decision.

One possible option is the NHS, who operate with BAPRAS and BAAPS surgeons, and we highly recommended speacking with your GP to see if the NHS can help. However we have found that increasingly there is a reluctance to perform 'comsetic' procedures, particularly a tummy tuck, on the NHS.

We see many patients who explain that the wait for their procedure is either too long or they have been advised that they are not presently eligible. For example many women who come to us have been told that they need to maintain a BMI below 25 for two years before they can be placed on the long waiting list. Often the excess skin is the cause of the increased weight and they find it impossible to drop their BMI lower.

Also, many surgeons who work with the NHS how are required to perform a wide number of surgerys, this means unless they are specialists e.g.gynaecologists they may not frequently perform tummy tuck procedures. At The harley Medical Group are surgeons are dedicated Cosmetic Surgeons who are specialists in their field of expertise.

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